Energy for Creating Change in your Life

How are you feeling about New Year’s resolutions as we draw near the end of January? Are you already struggling with your resolve to get fit, eat healthier or achieve other goals?  Or did you avoid making any resolutions because you decided in advance that you wouldn’t have the willpower to see them through?  Perhaps the sudden lifting of COVID restrictions is creating new challenges for you?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions read on to find out how Energy work could help you create the change you need and want in your life.

In a recent interview about staying on course to do what we need to do to improve our health and make our lives better in 2022 Pat Divilly highlighted the importance of giving compassionate attention to our thoughts to understand how they are influencing our feelings and actions.

While the advice offered is certainly of value it can be difficult to follow without help.  It is now known that all people and things are composed of energy.  Energy is impressed upon matter.  This means that you are affected by every person who has had contact with your life, by every place you have been and everything you have experienced.  The same is true of the energy of places which are affected by people and events that have happened in them and the energy of those places can in turn affect the people who are now in them.

Energetic Therapy, even conducted from a different location, is a powerful way of releasing forces or blocks which are keeping your energy low and holding you back.  It can help you achieve a necessary shift in mindset and higher energy to live the life you want to live.  Read more about how it works and has helped other people here: