About Claire Kearney

claire kearney

Hello, I’m Claire Kearney, and I am passionate about finding solutions to health problems and helping people learn what they need to feel their best in body, mind and soul. This also extends to helping their valued companion animals whose wellbeing often has a profound effect on their human’s happiness.

Having worked for several years in education, mainly at second and primary level, illness in my own family led me to explore many conventional and complementary therapies both in Ireland and abroad.

Following study of Bio Resonance in the U.K. I later spent two months at an Integrative Medical Centre in New York while caring for a family member undergoing treatment for Chronic Lyme Disease.

I trained in Autonomic Response Testing and a variety of solutions for Lyme and other chronic illness with German born Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D., founder and Medical Director of the renowned Sophia Health Institute in Seattle.  His approach addresses the root causes of dis-ease, focusing on infections, dental history, environmental toxicity, genetic susceptibilities, nutrition, lifestyle and the Five Levels of Healing.

Discovery, through personal experience, of the benefits to health of BioMagnetic Pair Therapy as developed by Mexican, Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán over the last thirty years and only recently brought to the English speaking world, led me to California to study this and BioMagnetic NeuroPsychological Balance Therapy developed by his son, Moises Goiz Martinez, Psychologist and BioMagnetic Therapist.

Having learned of the successful treatment in Germany of Lyme and co-infections as well as other chronic conditions affecting physical and psychological health and well being, I also studied Photon Therapy.  As well as providing this therapy for clients I am also certified to train others in use of Photon Therapy devices and advise on methods used by German Photon Therapists.

Study with the Institute of Patient Centered Restorative Medicine has enabled me to bring Physiological Regulating Medicine/Homeopathic Remedies and Micro-Immunotherapy to support  clients in their quest for health when needed.

I am committed to sharing all that I have learned to assist people in finding the unique combination of therapies, self help and lifestyle choices each individual needs to achieve optimal health and well being.

therapy room

I have long been fascinated by the role of energy in healing and the potential  in connecting with the higher power available to all for insight and help in overcoming any challenge in life.  Recent restrictions imposed on freedom of movement created valuable space for me to develop my innate sense of how receptive humans and animals are to this deeper level of healing.  It has been my silver lining in the cloud of COVID.  I feel privileged and deeply grateful to have been enabled to enhance my holistic approach to meeting each individual’s unique needs at a particular stage of their healing and time in their life’s journey.

The other wonder in all of this is being unhindered by limits of location or distance and being able to work remotely, reaching out to people in the safety and comfort of their own homes.

I look forward to connecting with you and providing you with the therapy and support you need, wherever you may be, from the tranquility of this riverside setting surrounded by nature.

cabin with flowers